What is a mock test? Mock tests are basically practice papers which are prepared entirely based on the latest examination methods and syllabus of the respective exams. These are simulations of real tests that allow aspirants to measure their true potential.
The JNV selection test for the sixth standard admission in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, is arranged every academic session.
Features of our mock-test series:
1. Advanced & robust technology by Mock-Test.In pioneer in JNV Entrance Exams Mock Tests series across all over India.
2. User Friendly - Mobile Friendly.
3. Updated Syllabus Pattern
4. Plenty of mock test / quizzes with advanced features
5. Timer based mock-tests in real time
6. Individual Rank Wise Results
7. Review Correct Answers
8. Subject wise, quiz wise, question wise, analysis
9. Participate in mock tests as per convenience
10. Cost-effective
11. Expert Guest Lectures
12. Free Study Material
13. Developed by JNV Alumni
14. Supported by JNV alumnus community
15. Dedicated support team
16. Exam preparation tips and lot more..!
Mock tests help candidates to better analyze various exams and increase their efficiency by studying. Helps you to know the type of questions asked and the level of each competition exam.
This mock test series is invaluable for fully training students, measuring their actual abilities, giving them full training to prepare them for success in this JNV entrance exam.
Presently available in three languages: Marathi, Hindi & English. We are working hard to cover all Indian languages.
Your Success is Our Success!